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Airplane James “OG” |Don’t Plane & Drive, Unless You Want To End Up At Your Ex’s House, Expeditiously|


Airplane James is releasing content like trees drop leaves that gently kiss the pavement this autumn. His latest single “OG” is a song about remaining the same OG, whilst trying to dodge old flames in an attempt to move onto greener pastures. Produced by SoundsLikeTC, this smooth, drop-top ready banger is sure to get you in your feelings with lyrics “but you got a man I heard, hope that p****y still fire”. This song can easily go in your Drake-ing and Driving playlist, which is dangerous because if you’re listening inside a convertible with a 454 Supersport engine, you will subconsciously drive towards some old work at a rapid pace. Although this is an incredible song, please refrain from Plane-ing and Driving, unless you want to end up at your ex’s house, expeditiously.

Listen below and stay tuned for the visual, to be released next week!

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