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Utah Rapper, Snicks Delivers His Intriguing New Video For, “DREAM”


“You may so I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one,” is really only one of the most popular quotes in pop culture because somebody had to say it first. I mean, think about it… Duh! Of course everybody dreams. If everybody didn’t dream, how we would the naysayers know what to say when they want to crush them? It’s a really simple quote that only sounds profound cause people lack common sense. Anyways, my point is that dreams are important, and you should never feel alienated for having them. Hailing from Salt Lake City, Utah, this is the exact notion that rapper, Snicks shares in his brilliant new video for, “DREAMS.”

Taking place in Las Vegas, “DREAMS,” is a tastefully edited visual that sees Snicks and his crew frolicking down The Strip as they ponder over what life could’ve, and should’ve, been if they had never followed their dreams. Directed by WillyP Visuals, the poignant shots do a great job at driving some of Snicks’ more relatable lyrics home, and the two display great chemistry and he looks comfortable as ever behind the camera. Rhyming infectious lines over melodically driven production, Snicks showcases exactly why this was a standout record from his January project, Nights in the Nine 2.

Check out the video below and be sure to get hip to Snicks.

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